Pros and Cons of Apartment Living from a Novice

Nov 22, 2010   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog, Uncategorized  //  1 Comment

If you have been following my blog, then you already know, after 15 years of marriage and with two awesome kids in tow we have moved into an apartment. We have had tons of questions from our friends and I’m sure some are curious so if you are, read on.

Why move into an Ethiopian Mansion (apartment)?
I guess to start with, we have said, Why Not? Our children have only lived in a primarily all white upper middle class suburbia. We believe that there can be so much gained by living among people who look, smell, think and act differently than we do. We certainly don’t have it all together or know it all and by hanging out with others who think differently than we do, we might learn something valuable or at a minimum learn to appreciate how others are unique. Contrary to what we might have believed coming into this idea, the people who live around us are a lot more like us than we would have guessed. That may or may not be a good thing but it has helped us to break down our own stereotypes.

We were also hoping that we would all gain a new appreciation for what we have by living in a smaller space. We hoped it would draw us closer together as a family as we spend much of our time together in one room rather than spread throughout 3300 square feet.

Finally, if by chance we really might move to Ethiopia, we need to be a little less permanent and ready to go.

What are some of the downsides?
Well, it is probably the practical aspects of the actual apartment that is most irriating. I miss my clean, dry and warm car in the morning. The freezer pops open when you close the refrigerator. The fleas seem to be gone but we have only once lived on used carpet before and it is kind of gross. It never really seems clean. I can’t find my clothes because even with Shane’s fancy organizer system, the closet is just too small. It is kind of stinky and stuffy most of the time, as the air is difficult to circulate in a small space especially when it is cold and we don’t have forced air heat. Hearing the neighbors go potty is a bit awkward. Because of limited space, I can’t stock the pantry so more frequent shopping or simpler meals are needed.

What has been the best of the best?
Clark and James come to fix anything…really anything with just a little comment request filed online. No honey do list for Shane, no yard work. Everything cleans up really quickly…no need for our housekeeper.

The very best treasure about moving into this apartment has been new friends. Three darling girls that took us under their wing when we first moved in and have been so wonderful to befriend us and show us the ropes.

It is so much less expensive in so many ways. Because we have kept our other properties and just leased them out, we aren’t loosing the tax advantage of owning property or the investment value of long term equity growth. I wouldn’t recommend apartment living for the end all with no real estate investment. Apartment living is not an investment strategy. I penciled it out and in our same city a small house with current interest rates would be about the same payment as our apartment including the tax advantage.

How long will we stay?
I don’t know. I hope that will be more clear after we return from our trip in January.

What do I miss?
I miss my gigantic bathtub and the microwave. We just don’t have the counter space for a microwave. I miss my awesome neighbors, the Elders and the Callens. There is nothing that compares with their family friendship close by.

Are we crazy?
Maybe….The benefits have so outweighed the negatives so far. I know we will cherish this experiment forever.

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