Horizon Kids Church with Harrison and Alex
In anticipation of our journey across the world, Pastor Jenny invited Harrison to share his concerns for the children of Ethiopia. On the Sunday before Christmas, Harrison and Alex gladly stood before the children, shared of the needs and their heart and promised to bring back videos and pictures. The video of Korah was then shared. Here is a glimpse of the boys….the children were delighted.
Many of the students were asking questions. One of the best shouted from the middle was from a little boy. “Alex, Alex, Alex!!! Did you have (e)lectronics when you were a kid?” Alex just smiled and said, no.
Watching my son was beautiful. I believe right now he is really sharing out of his faith and his unknown. I am so very aware that even for him it is going to be so real very soon. I am praying that the raw nature of the adventure will keep his heart soft and sensitive and motivated to help. I am trusting the Lord that it won’t break his heart completely.
At the conclusion of the service, Pastor Jenny had the children come forward and lay hands on the missionary Harrison and his mother. The sweet little boys and girls gathered around with their eyes closed tightly and their hands reaching to touch us, several of the children prayed out loudly with strength and faith only found in a child. I couldn’t help but let the tears stream down my face. I couldn’t quickly swipe the tears as my arms were pinned by the children who stretched to touch me. It is in those weak moments where I am so aware of my insignificance, my inability to change the world, my complete dependence on the One, the only One who truly can go before us and work through us to accomplish what he wants do.