The highlights of today…3 more sponsored!

Dec 2, 2010   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog, Uncategorized  //  2 Comments

Today was a day of delight. All days certainly don’t go that way but today was wonderful, full and fast. I remember when days would go by and I wondered if God would allow our family to be used for something grand, maybe something average or really anything at all! Looking back it is always easier to see the seasons that have come and go and their influence on our current path.

Discussions of Ethiopia and the vast opportunity to serve, to explore and to dream began early today over coffee with my friend. More conversations continued with another dear friend over how to really allow the children at church to experience a connection with those across the globe. Stopped by the office to send out my newsletter sharing my heart with so many of my friends. Then off to pick up Kaytlynn and Harrison early from school as they had a short day.

We had arranged to follow up with our presentation to Shane’s coworkers. Last week, with Kaytlynn cheering in the background, Harrison presented to adults mind you, the need in Ethiopia through his written out speech and the documentary video about Korah. Today we returned with sponsor packets and actual children who needed help. We set up a table with trinkets and pictures. Included was a bucket for shinning shoes, coffee, a native shirt, hand woven table cloth from the leprosy hospital, beaded jewelry, a bottle with dirty water, hand made animals and a woven basket. Alex came out to see what was going on and was shocked to see “his country!” on the table. He escorted Kaytlynn and Harrison around the offices to see if anyone might be interested in sponsoring a child. Today, 3 beautiful children found a future and a hope.

I can see the confidence in Alex rising. His belief in really being able to make a difference and help his country is building. He would stand tall with Kaytlynn and Harrison and nod strongly. “Yes, my mother still drinks water like that.” “Yes, the children shoe shine and sometimes go to school after if they are lucky.” “Yes, most kids don’t go to school.” “Yes, they need help.” A partnership is being woven. Ever so intricately. “Yes, I lived like that for 14 years, until I took myself to the big city.”

How many years did he wonder if God had a plan for him? Maybe he didn’t even know he could dream for a plan. Today he would say to his coworkers “Someday I take you to my country and you will see”. He wants to bring water back for his mother’s village. Maybe the thoughts and dreams have always been there, cultivating slowly.

I made a quick dinner, answered some emails and went to show houses…

Now home again and glancing in my email I see a copy of the proof for the article to go out on December 7th in our local paper. I see another email from a friend who is going to donate beautiful handmade ornaments for the craft fair to raise funds for the people. I am filled with thankfulness. It feels like a miracle. I am reminded by this friends story and his adoption/sponsorship when he was just a boy in Bethlehem.

For a moment I relish in the connections, the human love, the closeness I feel to those sharing in the dream and watching their own stories unfold.

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