The return of our Annual Charity Christmas party at BFRG

Dec 26, 2010   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog, Uncategorized  //  No Comments

Several years ago, we felt prompted to share the joy of being generous with our clients and friends. In addition to celebrating Christmas and a wonderful business year, we expanded our party and time with our friends to include the opportunity to share financially with some of our favorite charities the company had helped to support over the year. Each year has been special.

This year was unique and delightful in ways distinguished from past shindigs in that the Ethiopian theme emanated throughout the night. Decorations, coffee and tasty dishes all brought delight to our guests. I believe I enjoyed it as much as anyone. Students from Horizon Christian School sang carols; we saw pictures and videos and just shared our desires to help the orphans with each other.

My emotions ran high as I was again humbled by the kindness and generosity of our friends…5 beautiful Ethiopian children were sponsored. The life of a child and their family will be changed forever. For that child it means education, food, medical care, opportunities to learn about God, and support. Support might not seem like a big deal, mostly because we are so used to built in infrastructures. We don’t think anything of the local elementary school, the roads we take to get to it, the stoplights that keep us from accidents, the grocery store where we are able to get food for our lunches or the kind teachers who are there. It is all automatic for us. Being sponsored helps bridge the gap where those valuable necessities and the infrastructures are missing. Alex was just telling me about when he was a kid and when they “had it good” they took popcorn in their pocket for lunch. Being sponsored gives the child the opportunity to thrive rather than survive.

The highlight of the evening had to be Alex sharing a glimpse of his story. His coming to the United States and the divine meeting with our family. I can’t help but believe that we needed Alex as much as he needs us. We do have this on video to share sometime soon.

Be blessed!

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