Our Heroes and Champions and Alemayehu’s family well
As I reflect on the journey over the past few short months, I am humbled by the friends and family who have taken up their piece of the action to partner with and be who Embrace Compassion has been called to be. I just want to say THANK YOU to the hero’s and champions who have risen up to lend strength, expertise, wisdom and financial investment.
Because of these beautiful people, the well has been officially funded in Alex’s village and now we are able to begin sponsoring some of the children and to help them receive an education with only a very small investment.
I have been so delighted and inspired by a few of these special friends giving in their own way….
Bryan Putnam, a master athlete, running, biking and swimming, beyond what seems even possible to man, in a race called the iron man, boggles our mind in and of itself. To take it to the next level, he has given selflessly and offered to share in his victory and glory by completing the race on behalf of EC. Bryan’s family and friends have begun to send in a stream of donations in honor of Bryan for the families in Ethiopia. Embrace Compassion wants to say thank you Bryan for sharing your gifts, talents and most of all dedicated hard work for the betterment of the Ethiopian people and for the clean water that is being gifted to Alex’s family for the first time ever in history. You are a true Champion.
Michael Schmidt has donated countless hours to use his God given ability to produce our beautiful website and blog. His gift is one that cannot be mimicked by many and truly has brought exposure around the world where otherwise EC might not be known. This gift is evidenced even as you read this posting, as it would not be possible without Michael. Michael, you truly are a Champion and a one of a kind blessing. Thank you.
Mike Byrd is an Embrace Compassion Champion. Mike is glue, pulling the pieces together, volunteering his home, his time, his advice and support in almost every capacity. Mike’s knowledge of water, statistics, the map of Ethiopia and the need is vast. He shares everything without hesitation. He doesn’t stop with helping run the organization but puts his pocket book where his mouth is and steps up to the plate. Thank you Mike for being a champion and for blessing EC so very much.
Magan Byrd could have been lumped in with Mike but she really has her own Champion hero heart. Magan is so very encouraging, walks alongside each and every step and is constantly sharing the story she believes so deeply. Thank you Magan for sharing your experiences with us, for encouraging everyone, for loving Ethiopia in such a contagious way and for being a Hero. Your sacrifices are beautiful.
Cyndi Groth is a Champion. From the beginning, Cyndi advocated and found a special place in her heart for the children and specifically to bring together blankets. We delivered so many blankets to the children in ET thanks to Cyndi, her friends and her mom. Her love is contagious and her encouragement in irreplaceable. Thank you Cyndi for being a Champion.
Amy Elder, my Hero, is the reason this all began. Okay, maybe God had it planned all along but she is the one who was willing to allow God to use her and allow me to go along on my first trip to Ethiopia with her family. Not only did I get to know the Elder family in such a special way but my eyes were opened and my heart was wrecked and motivated by this first trip. David has walked faithfully and supportively through this adventure. He and the kids have helped redeem countless numbers of donated soda cans as well. Sacrificially giving of themselves, their time and their treasures. (not to mention those cinnamon rolls!) Thank you Amy and David for calling me your family and sharing the adventure that opened my eyes. You are my Heroes.
Waneva and Cory are Champions. On our very first trip to Ethiopia, they procured from Tursi’s soccer club, somewhere around $5000 in soccer jersey uniforms for the children. This is one of the very best gifts we could have taken with us. Such a high honor for the children to receive them. Not only have they given in this way, but Waneva has graciously become the volunteer administrator for the organization. EC would not exist without such generous volunteers. Waneva and Cory, you are Champions, thank you.
Dan and Nicole are Heroes. They have been “all in” and supportive on a deep level. From the beginning they listened, allowed their hearts to be moved and jumped in on the opportunity to contribute. From sacrificial contributions to Saturday morning package making, they have shown their love for us and for Ethiopia as only a Hero could do. Thank you for being a Hero.
Karla my friend and a Champion. Not many people have the gift of encouragement like Karla. Quietly, consistently, sharing love and you can do it messages, Karla never lets us lose hope or give up. Such a delight to have this wonderful friend who is a business woman of her own right, come and put together the simple envelopes and notes for our friends in Ethiopia. Karla has been consistent with her gifts of time and resources and EC would not be who it is today without her. My Champion, Karla, you are loved. Thank you
Lynne V is a Champion. While going about an ordinarily happy life, she has stretched to share the story and to bring awareness to the need for clean water in Ethiopia. When it might be easier to be a successful busy business woman, and not mess with other distractions, she has consistently taken interest in and taken the time to participate and acknowledge the cause. Thank you Lynne for your encouragement, your support and your belief in helping Alemayehu’s village. You are a Champion.
Jill Dawes is a Hero. The countless hours behind the scenes, the encouragement to say more cans have been redeemed, you are a blessing beyond measure. Your quite and faithful way of participating and encouraging has not gone unnoticed. You truly are a Hero. Thank You.
Encouragement and gifts have come from so many, almost impossible to list them all. You all know who you are. I want you to know that I appreciate you so much and Embrace Compassion would not be who it is without you. Claudia, Toni, Jessica B., Jacob and Kristi, Scott G., Wendy D., Erin J., Diane K., Sheri and Darin, Lisa, Phillis, Sandi, Brett and Chyrl, Tatiana, Marda and so many others in some small and large ways. You truly are Champions on behalf of the children and people of Ethiopia.