Butterflies, Treasures and Jesus
Today is one of those where all of a sudden it hits me and I feel like I have forgotten to breathe. Immediately I take a deep breath and steady myself. I won’t say it’s panic. It could almost be considered nervous, or excitement or absolute delight, but not exactly. Most of all it is just that feeling of constant butterflies in my stomach and the anticipation of what is next. As if the biggest event of the year is the stage in front of me and it’s almost time to take my place with the other participants.
Clearly this trip is going to be different than all others. God has given me strong friendships in Ethiopia, a beautiful friend who is extremely gifted to travel with, amazing friends cheering me on from home and abroad who have given sacrificially to represent and my rock solid family who loves me and sends me with their blessing. I can hardly describe the gratitude I feel to so many. I must thank God himself for aligning so many beautiful pieces of this puzzle. My dear elderly neighbors who are taking the children to school each day, two grandmas who are helping with meals and transportation, a hubby who will be doing laundry and picking up so much slack. For friends who have rocked my world with donations…over a half of a ton worth of donations to take in our totes on the plane and funds designated for all kinds of wonderful projects. I am so anticipating the sheep and the chickens in Daley…delivering the diapers and towels in Korah, the beautiful blankets made for children from so many places in Ethiopia yet with a similar walk in life.
So what about all of these treasures, what is the big deal? This is what I have been asking myself. Why is it so important to me? Why do I get these butterflies when I think about the totes and bags that are so carefully packaged? I guess to me, I believe they are treasures from the hand of Jesus delicately and preciously appointed for a person in Ethiopia. They are not random or leftovers, they are intentional and purposeful packages of love with big intensions. They are love gifts from Jesus.
What are we without God’s love…nothing. And to me, these gifts are God’s love with skin. For many weeks I am the planner, organizer, helper, encourager and friend but for 2 weeks I get to be the skin. The contact. The person who acts in Jesus name. With all my heart I want to be like the disciples of the bible, the ones who walked the dirty roads, simple men with trained eyes to see people the way Jesus would see them. Yes, the disciples didn’t get it all right and they made lots of mistakes and so will I. But, they gave of themselves, shared Jesus’ love. Thus the butterflies…my weak legs and the anticipation of the stage, the opportunity and the beautiful people I am about to encounter. Deep Breath….