My 14.1oz Stove…Pure Delight!

Oct 14, 2012   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog  //  No Comments

What’s the big deal about cooking?  Why not just the old fashion way with firewood?  Don’t they have electric stoves?  Can’t you just take food with you?

I know it shouldn’t seem like it would be that complicated, but it is one of the details that has consumed my mind searching for a solution.  There are a number of reasons why I have been concerned regarding cooking for this extended trip, but also for the possibility of leaving an alternative cooking source for Alex’s mom who is elderly.  Wood and trees are scarce in the village.  Children and women have to carry wood often stacked high on their back for very long distances.  Some people become designated “wood carriers” as a profession.  Often these “people” are very young girls.  As a result, their bodies don’t develop well and it causes a multitude of complications including but not limited to difficulty having babies themselves and can cause them to die or tear inside.  Gathering wood also takes a tremendous amount of time and keeps them out of school sometimes.

When I travel, I don’t want to be a burden to the families.  I already know that I will probably bring hardship in some way.  I hope I will bring more good than bad, and thinking through as many possible scenarios or difficulties ahead of time has been a very important goal of mine.  So, needless to say, cooking has been one of them. 

I have been searching for an alternate food cooking source for mama after I leave.  Her eyes are quite terrible, and Alex believes the constant smoke continues to damage them.  What if we could provide her with a tiny compact stove that would eliminate her or the grandkids having to carry wood and eliminate the awful smoke.  I believe it is worth a try.  If we pilot such a program, maybe we could pass on the knowledge and the hope to other mud huts in the village.  We could start something that would stop the trees being taken down prematurely and damaging the ecosystem because the trees are not replanted, it could potentially break the acceptable torture of young girls carry loads so much heavier than their tiny frames can handle and it could minimize damage done by constant smoke in the eyes and especially for the elderly.  Just maybe…I would like to try.

As far as electricity, this village, some 14 hours outside of the capitol city does not yet have electricity for everyone, especially those in the surrounding valley.  And for me, I want to live with the people, not run off to my suitcase for every meal searching for an energy bar.  Besides, 40 days of energy bars is just a little too much for the best of such and I certainly would rather pack my suitcase with treasures that will help the people, not sustain my inability to connect over a simple meal.

So tonight, I am very excited about my little treasured stove that I found that will burn kerosene that can be purchased where be buy automobile gas.  I think it is less than 1 pound.  Glorious!  We shall see!

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