Miracles can be very personal.

Feb 4, 2014   //   by Lisa Thoele   //   Blog  //  No Comments

Jennifer asked me to post this to give you a glimpse of how God orchestrated their trip…she wrote it on January 15th…just a few weeks before departure!  Enjoy and keep praying!!  Lisa

I was getting ready to rush out of the house this morning after my walk with Nicole…I needed to meet Misty at the office at 10:00.  It was 9:45 and I needed to leave within 5 minutes…

Very clearly I heard the Lord… “Misty is tired, she needs to be done with her fundraising today…”

Okay…what do I need to do?

And very clearly and within 5 minutes times I had an idea to do an online auction.  I put together four of the five auction items to put on the invite.  I had no idea what I was doing really.

I rushed out the door, got to the office and Misty had purchased me coffee and was so sweet like always.  I knew she had been making knitted head bands and tamales and babysitting and so much more.  I said to her, “Misty, I am so excited, I’ve got something to share with you, God gave me an idea for today!”  We collected everything out of the trunk of my car and went inside together.

She was excited.  We stopped right there in our little Embrace Compassion office surrounded by boxes and tasks to do and prayed…she knew it was an idea from God.  I told her “I need to know how much you have left, I think God wants to finish this for you today.”  She of course was surprised, just like me.  She thought she was at about $2,000 of her $3,000 to cover all of her flight and trip expenses.  I told her “I need your real numbers, check with Shana and let’s get these pictures and packages to bid on posted.”

So we worked together quickly, I took the pictures, she started the invite, I wrote some words and we stared at the screen…
and then one bid…
Yahoo! We shrilled!
Then two and three and finally all 5 had bids!
Okay…what are those numbers???  She emailed Shana.

I forgot to mention when I got to the office I found an extra Ethiopian jersey and over the weekend Renee had brought a Goal Zero flashlight as a door prize that was a little late to the party and so we put together package 5.

We kept hearing FB ding and we tried to stay focused and worked on other things…

On my way home I felt like the Lord wasn’t done, I texted Shana, “Where are we at for Misty?”

Disheartened a bit with the gap because even with Misty’s tamale money and two full days with her and Nicole and Mick working super hard and lots of generous donors buying tamales and that being added to all of her other hours spent earning funds, she was at $1,700… how in the world were we going to get to $3,000??

And then I got a text from a friend…from an Angel disguised as a human.
“How much does Misty have left?”
Even with with a hopeful and wishful $300 from the auction we were still going to be $1,000 off.
I told the person and waited…
She texted back and said “I’m In.”  She would have the check for me for $1,000 that Misty needed to rest. “REST…” yes the very words that God had given me in the morning.  Oh my goodness… yes, it was about the funds for Misty,
AND the miracle for me was so clearly hearing God’s voice this morning to trust him.

And, after I heard how far off we were, realizing as “good as I am” at fundraising, I still was not “good enough” to close the gap. Yes, I was supposed to offer my bologna sandwich to to the potluck…but he was the one making the meal.

He spoke it. I offered my teeny tiny sacrifice and He brought the blessing…

That’s My Miracle.

I’m convinced that everyday we walk in miracles. His mostly quiet voice is guiding us.  Even when we are disheartened, he is with us.  He is moving. He is God.

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