Local Culture and Ten Observations

Mar 3, 2014   //   by Lisa Thoele   //   Blog  //  No Comments

Written By Jennifer Bridges on March 3, 2014

Local culture and 10 observations.

10.  There are four words in Afan Oromo that equal our word for scarf. Scarves are really important.

9.     It is not necessarily faster than walking, to pay for transportation to get somewhere; lack of direct routes, no roads, a variety of distractions and other travelers, Chinese road construction. However it is still preferred to ride in a car for status purposes.

8.    A placebo can be a powerful tool when hope is lost. Vitamin C and zinc, soap, Vaseline and food are my favorite – rather than sending someone to the clinic for a glucose shot.

7.    Clothes are changed because of how dirty they are, not necessarily for fashion, which varies from one to three days. However the style of clothing worn is very important and more formal than what I am used to. Suits for men and women are the first choice, all the time.

6.    When you need something and it is perceived that someone else has it, you camp out at their house until you are able to get what you need. It is an obligation to give what you have especially if you have extra.

5.    Tissues for blowing your nose don’t make any sense. Why would you save it for later? Also picking your nose is no big deal but licking your fingers is disgusting!

4.    Leprosy sucks the life out of women, one swollen foot at a time. There is no one close currently treating it that I know of.

3.    Community farming and taking turns at each other’s farm to harvest grain is a given and a responsibility. This is also the way local news is transferred.

2.    The number of glucose shots you receive from the clinic is a direct indication as to how sick you are. Diagnosis is never given.

1.    All life stops for coffee. Nothing gets in the way of drinking coffee together.

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