Traveling in Ethiopia, by Renee Butler 2016 (30 Minute Video)

Apr 4, 2016   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog  //  No Comments

You are in for a real treat!  Renee Butler shared on a Sunday morning about her personal experience traveling with our Embrace Compassion Team to Arjo Ethiopia in January 2016.  This video shares her heart of compassion, her admiration for the work being done and an word of encouragement to others to get involved and watch for opportunities around them.

Renee has been a wonderful volunteer and giving of herself to the work of Embrace Compassion in Ethiopia and in the US.  For her, this trip was not a one time “gig” but a continuation of a long term commitment.  Embrace Compassion could not do what it does without the many people who share of their time, talents and treasures!

Thank you Renee for sharing!

Disclaimer:  There are a couple of details that are not completely accurate (in regards to getting the baby surgery, $500 and not $5000) and if you have questions you may message us.  In general, catch the heart of the message and enjoy her wonderful stories!

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