A Dream Bigger Than Me…

The beauty of following a dream that’s bigger than me or perhaps bigger than life is that it has to be divine. The truth is, I could never have imagined the privilege of walking alongside a beautiful team of people from around the world to share kindness on purpose. I mean, even as a young child I was empathetic and aware of the hurting and loved big, but traveling across the world, I don’t believe it was my dream.
The best part about not owning the dream is that I’m not claiming the success or heartache of my work. I give all of the credit of any success back to my creator as well as my shame and mistakes.
Sometimes in my own human brokenness I feel hesitant to share the amazing story of how God connected our family with so many wonderful helping friends here and families in Ethiopia lest someone thinks it is about me.
This week God reminded me that I don’t have to receive the affirmation or criticism of the story because it’s not mine, it’s his. I just get to show up and be willing and share the story of His goodness as it sparkles out in front of me.
The story is not one of my perfection or lack of perfection but of his loving tender grace and kindness to me and to everyone. Gods love and compassion are beyond what I can even imagine.
His love truly is. His love is enough.