The strength is in the letting go.

Anyone can grip and hold on for fear of losing, but a strong person can trust the process by letting the grip release. It’s strength found in a heart that loves without expectation of return. In a mind that chooses to press on toward new pathways, for new patterns of being. It’s a soul drenched in mercy when surrendered to love only found in JESUS.
When we struggle and grasp for what once gave moments of pleasure, affirmation, or a false sense of self worth, we lose ourselves. The fight requires our full attention and we miss the blessing that comes from settling into God’s best place of peace for us.
The rope of self reliant control burns our blistered gripping palms. Fatigue overcomes weary body and mind. We start to quickly loose sight and grip, as we aren’t meant to be dangling with every muscle, working so hard to hold on. When we drop, we are stunned by the shock of hitting the ground. Always wondering, maybe this next time, gripping only harder, will I meet the need deep inside?
Be still, let go, and know that He is God! Be strong and face the tree with open hands, lay your burdens down, release the struggle. Control is not when everything in us is screaming in pain, that can and will eventually lead to death. We were not meant for this. We were created by a holy God who loves and adores us. He made us to walk along the cool waters and not to be afraid. He longs for us to have wholeness and peace and friendship with Him. His green pastures restores our weary wasted souls. If we allow, he will sustain a soul weighted in shalom, peace. While the shadow of the past might tempt us to fear, we can be strong because He is with us and His Love is enough.