His Light Placed on a Lamp Stand in Ethiopia

Tears trickled down my cheeks this morning as I hung onto every word. Beyene’s words raced along as the distant phone connection crackled from time to time. I pressed the phone even closer against my ear in anticipation and could tell that he was a bit surprised and delighted by his findings.
Just two weeks ago we were sitting in my living room talking about our Bright Spot kids in the village and all of the hopes and dreams we imagined for them. We talked about the needs, the desires of the villagers and what it took to bring so many friends together to help and make an impact in Arjo.
The moms shared with Beyene how their children can attend school because so many obstacles have been removed. School supplies and clothing are in abundance now and the kids are finding joying in sharing with siblings and neighbors. Hope is rampant and the leadership team, now including women for the first time are being proactive about what’s best for the community and the families.
When the leaders were asked how this all came to be, they simply replied in unanimity, ”We prayed for help and God heard our prayers”. Their faith inspires me. Their love for each other and sacrifice to create the best good for each other is a wonderful example.
I miss them so much and am so thankful to get to see a more in depth glimpse into our village because of Beyene taking the time, even as an important businessman, to stop and visit our village and to share so much with me about our programming. Our families are precious and important. They are beautiful and loved.