Simply Love for the Sake of Loving

The grandpa in the neighboring mud hut continued to become weaker and weaker. He had a wound on his leg that was failing to heal and his sunken face appeared to be fading day by day.
His chance for recovery seemed bleak. He had been taken several times up the mountain in the wooden ambulance chair. Glucose shots are the most common cure all in the local clinic with the only real hope of healing being a placebo affect.
I went daily to check on him and dress his leg wound. Pancakes made w bananas and eggs were my special food and the best nutrition I could muster with our local ingredients. His eyes brightened each time I would visit and there was something Holy about spending time with this man more than double my age.
There is something sacred in investing in what will bring no return. Simply loving for the sake of loving and watching him graciously slowly leave his earthly home.
Too often our tasks are results driven. We need something measurable and tidy and ready to show improvements. What if some of our most important work is just being present, sharing of ourselves without expectation and living with intentional kindness that can’t be repaid.
As I think of so many hurting around us and beyond, I believe we must keep giving of ourselves and showing kindness even when it doesn’t seem to bring measurable results. Hug a neck, share kind words, look for opportunities to love with action.