Spring Brings Hope
Oh sweet spring days we welcome you! What a perfect to be outside in the backyard digging alongside the chickens.

I was amazed to watch Julian toddling around next to the chicken house. At first I couldn’t figure out what he was doing. He had an oversized barbecue flipper and a bucket and was scooping bark chips into the orange Home Depot bucket. While I thought at first he was incredibly creative, Shane reminded me that he was mimicking the coop cleaning process. Even when it has been cold the last few months, Shane has bundled Julian up and taken him outside to “assist” in the few minutes it takes for coop cleaning.
Kids copy us so much and they learn by experimenting. One of my smart early-ed friends told me that one of the most important activities for a preschooler is digging in the dirt! Well if I didn’t believe it before, I saw it in action today!
We are moving toward an interactive preschool in our village in Ethiopia. Hands on activities including digging in the dirt. Building with rough wood blocks, singing songs and moving about a small one room classroom and then out into the field.
We are going to be asking for help with the playground equipment and supplies to build a nice outhouse as well as a cooking place to feed some of the neediest children. If you have any interest in helping children have wonderful learning experiences, we would live your help!
May we be granted many spring dirt digging days to come!