Hope Love and Tangible Resources
Propped up on my cushy couch watching the rain run down the windows, I again talked to Beyene who is spending time in Arjo on my behalf and is now catching me up on all of the details. He is a businessman in his own right with a doctorate degree from Germany and does consulting for non profits around the world helping them in a variety of ways. To me, Beyene is a friend.
Dr. Beyene began to tell me about the last family he visited. Teshome, his wife and two kids live in Lalo. They are about halfway between Nekempte and Arjo and it’s been about three years since I first started stopping at their home on my way to Arjo and back.

Beyene stopped in the familiar spot on the side of the road by the big tree that helps me find the pathway to their home. Teshome and his wife welcomed Beyene with big open arms of hospitality. They shared stories of their histories, drank coffee and discussed the bright future. It wasn’t long ago when Teshome was an outcast. He was too poor and sick to have visits from friends and to play a part of society. He was shunned and ignored and barely surviving.
Beyene was amazed to share with me the new joy in this man. With our visits to his home showing him respect, the resources we shared with him to help him practically and the help for his son to have the big tumor removed from his neck had shifted his life. He believes that God brought us together to give him a new chance at life.
Teshome was beaming as talked about how he had saved enough money to buy an oven for plowing his field. He talked about his crops and how they were thriving and how his community friendships had been thriving.
Simply showing this man we cared, that he is loved and with some simple resources to help him and his children, his hope was being fulfilled. His faith has been restored and his future is bright.
It’s amazing how kindness and tangible help truly can be the spark and catalyst that changes not only one life but an entire family and the course of their future. I am so thankful for Deb Moen and Lisa Belfiore who said yes to sponsoring Teshome’s two children which makes what we do for their family possible. Hope, love and tangible resources has preserved this family and will make a lasting impact forever.
We have 12 children waiting for American friends to say yes to stand in the gaps with one of our children and their family. Would you be willing to help? #everyonecanmakeadifference