We Must Do Better
I’ve really been struggling to find my words in regards to what has happened and to know my place in expressing my thoughts. The injustice that has occurred and continues to happen is one of the worst kinds, one that not only hurts an innocent man and his family but the hundreds of thousands who depend on him directly and indirectly. I don’t think my silence is helping the situation so I am going to share my truth, what I have seen first hand.
This gentle man, doctor and surgeon Haileyesus Tesfaye is a leader full of integrity. He believes in health and wholeness for his patients. He works tirelessly for the small child, the vulnerable mother and the elderly who are poor as well as the well bodied strong young men and adults who find their bodies compromised. He does not discriminate amongst his patients but gives the highest level of medical care to every patient. He treats his support staff and nurses with respect and advocates for them to receive supplies and tools to do their jobs.
When we visit, he takes time to maximize the medical supplies we bring, he is patient to teach us and allows us to serve along side him, and he gives of his privacy and family time to be our friends. He loves generously.
What happened in the last couple of weeks, incarcerating and then subsequently clearing the charges and releasing this man is outrageous. He is a man that seeks to be the best surgeon he possibly can be, to empower everyone around him and to bring health and wholeness to his patients. To imply anything other than this truth is shameful on the complainers. So many people have gone without treatment in this amount of time. What a waste of healing being thrown and trampled on.
We must do better to honor those who serve in Ethiopia and give their lives to make our world a better place. We must not be so selfish as to steal away a man’s times that is given freely to the most needy. We must acknowledge disrespect anchored in hatred and corruption is evil.