Heal Your Garden
The itty bitty disgusting little bugs have crossed the line and have encroached on my pretty tender little cherry tree. From a distance you would never know. The leaves are full and green and the yellow & red sweet cherries are shining.

Isn’t that how an infestation starts? Hidden in small clusters in the rolled up most tender leaves. I have begun to spray them every couple of days with a natural vinegar repellant and have even started cutting back some of the leaves. Ugg. I can’t help but see the parallel in my own vulnerable areas of life. Times when toxic behaviors of my own or of others around me have creeped up on me ever so subtly. I have to be intentional and slow down, look carefully and be on guard for harmful influences, for self talk that eats away at me or the negative people who aren’t really invested in my best interest.

Sometimes pruning is vital to survival and for producing fruit that is worthy of sharing with others. Let us stay on the look out for harmful attacks and be intentional about growing in such a way that others are blessed by the fruit we produce!
Happy Gardening.