Turn Toward Hope
Health and wholeness…. around 8 years of watching Kenesa struggle with Cutaneous Leshmeisis and he is finally healthy!

The $15k donated medication that we carried in our backpack in September has worked! The swelling is gone, the skin deterioration has stopped, the pain and itchy burning discomfort is no more! We are celebrating! Thankful for medication.
Thankful for this donated gift we could not afford. Thankful for Byron who would not give up and found what we needed. Thankful for the American friend who gave monthly so could support him and his family with the other aspects of medical care as well as the normal school assistance and supplies. We are so proud of this young man who has never given up and stayed in school through all of these years of pain. He never gave up on hope to find his healing.

Where is his smile? It’s there under the awe struck reverent straight face that shows respect and awe for all he has been though and for the big gift he has received. Sponsor a child and change a life. Love always wins.