Paying Forward Kindness

Jan 25, 2021   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog  //  No Comments

Can I share a little secret from behind the scenes? I’m hoping you will catch the power of kindness and the economy that says “There is plenty to go around.”.

A couple of months after Julian was diagnosed, I was working so hard to be strong and yet felt so broken at times on the inside. Shane was on duty at the hospital and I slipped home for the evening. I was under strict orders to eat real food, sleep, shower and take a break. I snuck into a nail salon by my house to get a pedicure. One of my favorite ways to relax. One of the girls knew my story and shared with the man who was working on my toes. He didn’t say much. He just worked diligently and gave me the most thorough pedicure I’ve ever received. When I got ready to leave he simply said, “No, No, not this time.” and shooed me out the door. With having just moved and not even knowing this salon, their kind gesture without any strings attached moved me deeply. 

Today I wanted to see Kate and we met at the same salon. Both of us got manicures and visited. It’s a fun way to connect with a busy big girl. I noticed the man in his strong unassuming place at his desk. I was moved deeply all over again. I wanted to do something to give back, or better yet, pay it forward. 

I went to where he was and quietly asked him. “Do you remember me and what you did for me?” I wasn’t sure if he would even remember. He never makes me feel like he did something for me, he treats me with ordinary kindness like everyone else. He said he did. I told him about what we are starting to do at the farm and that in his honor of giving me the best pedicure, I would like to buy 15 more for the moms who would be coming to the farm over the next couple of months. We would tuck them in their Brighter Boxes.  I became a little tearful and he smiled. I just wanted him to know his kindness hit me deep when I needed it most and I wanted to help his shop and pay forward kindness from his example. 

Well we got everything paid for and his wife came to me. She said, “You can not do this alone, we want to help!” I assured her I was not alone, so many beautiful people helping to make it all happen at the farm. She shook her head and brought me 15 boxes of beautiful high quality lotion. She looked me in the face and said, “This is from us for the moms from Luna Nails and Spa.” 

So much generosity. So much kindness. So many opportunities to share kindness and to inspire others. I’m thankful for my friends on the fringes who pay forward kindness. You all are love. 

Sometimes we just need to accept and receive gifts of love and generosity. Sometimes we need to pay forward what other have poured into us. And other times we need to start new and fresh with no strings attached. ❤️

#SupportSmallBusiness #givekindness #MakingLifeBrighter

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