Who am I when the light shines in?

Jan 8, 2014   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog  //  No Comments

It’s dark and grey outside.  Rain pours down every surface imaginable from the neighboring roofs, trash cans left alone on the streets, the mailboxes perched upright at attention waiting for their once a day greeting from the delivery person.  Water gushes through the streets as if it is on a mission to somewhere very important.

Grey is not my favorite.  When it is grey life tends to be dull for me.  Even turning on lights inside the house are not quite the same as the bright sunshine streaming through the windows. 

One day last week I was admiring the sunshine and the brightness that shone into my living room where I was sitting on a pretty but uncomfortable purple tweed couch.  I bought it for beauty and hastened not to take into consideration what it would be like to sit on for any length of time.  It was the first time to have such bright light in a few weeks perhaps and everything was illuminated.  The wood floors were bright and shiny, the walls looked clean and sharp.  Even my own skin had a rosy brightness when I glanced down at my hands on the keyboard.

When I looked around further I noticed dust bunnies and dust crouching around the walls of the room on the hardwood floor.  I noticed for the first time the difference in color of two clashing chairs that I thought had matched before.  It didn’t really matter but I hadn’t even noticed the contrast hues.  It’s amazing what the light can do to a perspective.

I was reminded of another time during the week where I had taken a phone call from a business colleague who was asking me questions about something I thought was quite obvious.  I was short and a bit rude.  Besides, I was busy taking solar for Africa out of packing and working with my precious daughter to organize and sort gifts for our families.  I was too busy to be sweet and kind and patient on the phone.  Ouch.  When the phone call was over the quick lurch in my heart stopped me.  The Light was shining on my words that had escaped and I was not able to pull back.  Stink.

At least with wood floors, the dust bunnies can be mopped up.  Furniture that shares an alternate hue of color from another, really doesn’t matter.  My mouth, my words, my kindness or lack there of?  I only get one chance.  One opportunity to be kind in a conversation, especially with someone I have never met before and could potentially not be in contact with again.

I did quickly send an email to the woman I had never met and apologized for being short.  I believe God can give us favor when we humble ourselves and come under his mercy and grace.

I am thankful for the sun, for the brightness it brings and the clarity when the sky has been grey for a season.  I am thankful for THE SON and his conviction and brightness he brings to behavior and attitudes I might not pay attention to on my own.  Humbled by his gifts, for the seasons and for his light of Love.



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