Coincidence or Miracle?

Jan 30, 2014   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog  //  No Comments

While at times it can be quite tempting to recognize something really great and usher it into the category of happenstance or getting lucky, I hesitate to downplay God’s orchestration of events.  Earlier this week I posted on Facebook a heart felt comment about watching for God to shine through during the difficulties.  There are sometimes when hard things are going on and it gives us a special opportunity to see God intervene or give us extraordinary strength or a job to do that no one else can do.

As I get ready to leave on Sunday, yes, Superbowl Sunday…for a 40 day stay in our village in Ethiopia, I am aware of the many challenges.  I can often be very flexible in situations, I don’t really like surprises.  It takes quite a bit for me to be rattled.  Luggage and the airport is one of those “things”.  So not my favorite.  I can remember in college fainting in the luggage receiver at the check in counter because the agent had thrown away my ticket and it wasn’t in my collection of papers.  Another time I was on a runway and passed out in the isle and all I could remember was hearing something like…”Please take out your emergency card in the seat back in front of you and fan her as she is warm.”  How embarrassing.  They took the plane back to the airport and carried me off.

Yet God has been stretching me.  Flying and baggage are not my favorite.  For some reason he has made me passionate about getting the supplies that can’t be purchased in country to our family in our village.  He has made me desire to go and stay even when the circumstances are extremely rough, sleeping on a mud floor, without running water or electricity and fleas…lots of fleas.

Anyway, when I heard this week I was staying overnight in Washington DC and would be leaving the airport with 24 pieces of luggage plus carry-ons and then returning the next morning to go through security all over again with these same bags, in the freezing cold on a shuttle to an unknown hotel…well I was not please.  I was shocked.  I was quickly reminded that I needed to watch for the opportunity.  Seriously?

God gave me so much.  He gave me friendship and encouragement through gals who I really had not known before who shared with me ideas and thoughts and contacts.  I got excited about seeing the Lincoln Memorial for the first time and having dinner in DC.  We could have a fun evening… I got to pray and seek God for my doubt and fear, and I watched others pray protection over us.

Tonight I received an email back from the Director of the Airline we are using to fly into Addis.  It was a long shot.  An email.  He responded and chose to be the one to pass on a little miracle which I believe is not coincidence and a gift from God himself.  I believe God uses people to show his power and favor.  The director is going to have someone meet us in the airport, take all of our baggage and hold it for us and allow us to leave without it.  That is not normal.  That is not easy.  That is not coincidence for God to give us such favor and demonstrate his desire for these treasures to be taken to our families.  For some reason he has chosen to comfort me.

I am so thankful for all of your prayers, for your words of encouragement and walking this journey with me.

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