Where to start…
Heart moving thoughts and stories from Jennifer…
Where to start? Up the mountain from mamas house to Ashebir’s restaurant and city life (upstairs), the high elevation, my cushy life and lack of exercise lately compounded with Asthma leaves me gasping for air until we reach the top.
Our sweet baby we watched be born last time is now 4 months old and plump and happy. Beautiful to see such a healthy baby. We were graced by the privilege of walking through the market. The quiet brothers sticks close to us being careful of animals and anyone appearing to be aggressive. Eyes peering toward us curious and shocked. So tempted myself to ogle at the beautiful faces and the collection of treasures. Corn seeds ready for roasting, red onions, oil beans, and hand woven baskets. Wishful vendors, mostly women, looking to get a buyer for their wares to allow them to get a needed item to take home.
Foot pedal machines in the middle of the shopping field and hopeful shoppers waiting patiently in the long line. So excited we are training up new seamstresses. The quiet brother worked so diligently under Renee’s direction with sewing. He is being respected and seen in a new light after disappearing years ago. After the market our sweet team escorted me to a local dress shop, the same one most of our women will have their dresses sewn. I have been longing to share in the local fashion and to share their way of dressing. We entered the the tiny shop 8×10-ish with others pressing in all around us. The tailor measured me and after looking over every fabric pattern chose a beautiful warm brown and turquoise flower print. The delight and anticipation I feel must be similar to the women’s excitement to receive their own dresses! I can hardly wait!
Back down the mountain and delighted by our evening. Misty is interviewing each of our close family Bright Spots. They are carefully working on the art as well. Studious, serious faces engaged for hours. Renee is teaching a sister to sew. A daughter who because of life’s circumstances is viewed as less, is being give a chance to thrive. To learn brings hope and confidence.
Simultaneously I am teaching the quiet brother the written alphabet and sign for the very first time. Once a child banned from school. Tonight he learned his name for the first time. Let that sink in. The first time. Alex floated between all three stations stepping in where needed. Even our college student was so excited to learn for the first time that his uncle could learn to read and write. He will be hope for young moms in the future who bring a child with a hearing problem; we are opening minds to possibilities. Finally while listening to music with a head set I realized he could hear a tiny bit in one ear. And when he laughs we hear a voice. Can you imagine if only he had a hearing aid as a child he might have been given opportunity. My heart breaks for his past. I am praying that our kids minds will be opened to possibilities and helping others in the future.
So much to say and only one letter at a time on this tiny phone. Thank you all so much for the encouragement and messages… Love and blessings to you.