Guest post by: Brittany Callen
I am blessed. I am blessed beyond belief.
Jen emailed me the day before she left asking if I would be a guest writer for her blog, while she was gone in Ethiopia. I was humbled and quickly accepted the invitation. However; writing this post has been on my mind and to-do list for quite a few days now, and I’ve been praying for God to give me an idea of what I should focus and write on…and guess what, he did give me an idea.
As I’m sitting here today, and unexpected raw emotion flows over me. Warmth embraces me. I am moved to tears by how much God has given me, by the prayers he has answered for me, and the strength that he gives me.
I am blessed. I am so extremely blessed.
I sit down and thank God for all the things I take for granted. All of the things I just accept.
The first image that I’m thankful for pops into my mind. It’s my beautiful family. Each of us so unique, yet together we are whole. Like pieces of a puzzle we complete each other. They are my constants.
I thank God for each of the pieces that make my family:
My father, As I think of my earthly Father piercing blue eyes appear, with crinkles and lines around the edges of his bright eyes showing signs of wear after all of these years. I see a warm smile. He is a constant for me, a rock. He is strong, and encouraging, and such a wonderful faithful man. He has taught me encouragement, and he has taught me the important lesson of never giving up.
Next, my adorable, bright, cheery mother. My Mom as well as friend. She is the first person I go to with problems. She is someone I rely on. Just like warm gooey melted marshmallows bond with rice krispies to make something delicious, my Mom is the sticky goo that holds us all together.
My older sister, Kristen, is my best friend, and has always been a role model to me. She is someone I look up to, and when I go down a wrong path she knocks me back into shape. When I think of everything Kristen is to me I smile. She’s my best friend, and words can’t describe how much I love her. There is no one on this whole world, that can make me laugh the way she can.
Jessica. O little Jesse. At age 16 she has grown up into such a beautiful young woman. I’m amazed at how much she’s grown in these last few years, and how how mature she has become. She amazes me with her dedication, and passion. She has a large place in her heart for animals, and I know God will use her passion for his good. Once this girl sets her mind on something she is UNSTOPPABLE.
And last but not least, Beth. What a goober Bethany is. I continually see her growing into the woman God intends for her to be, and I’m so excited to support her and see her grow along the journey of her life. I can just see she is going to be such a servant for the Lord!
Other things I take for granted that I am so so thankful for: My wonderful friends, a steady job, a warm cozy home, food in my belly each night. The list goes on and on.
God has blessed me, and I’m sure God has blessed you. What are you thankful for?
God blesses, and God answers prayers.
I encourage all of you readers to start a prayer journal, that is if you haven’t already. The congregation of the church I attend, Horizon, has been reading the prayer circle together. A 40 day prayer challenge. This wonderful book, written by Mark Batterson, has taught me and pushed me, it’s inspired me. After starting this book with my family, and my church family, I started a prayer journal. In it I write not only prayers, but thank-you’s and scriptures. I thank God for all the prayers he has answered, and the life he has blessed me with. Every night I reflect back on the day I just faced. It’s incredible to see all the small blessings from that day written out, and it opens up a whole new realization for all that God does. I have documentation looking back through my prayer journal of prayers I prayed, and that were answered. I have documentation of God moving through my life.
The prayer journal has strengthened my relationship with the Lord, and pushes my relationship with him to grow. As humans we take many things for granted, God answers prayers and he answers OUR prayers, no matter the size. When a prayer is answered it’s not just a “coincidence.” IT. IS. A. GOD. THING.
OUR God is strong, and mighty. He gave young David the strength to kill Goliath, he protected Daniel in the lions den. He saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the blazing furnace. THERE IS NOTHING HE CAN’T DO, and no prayer he can’t answer.
Open your eyes to the prayers God has answered for you. Pray, pray, pray everyday and thank God for all of the prayers he has answered, and all of the things he has blessed you with.
Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through God who gives me strength.”
This is my GO TO verse. I’m currently taking a dreadful public speaking class in college, and as a small shy girl I thought this class would be horrible. I signed up for it, pushing myself, knowing it’s something that will help me gains skills to benefit me for the rest of my life. I faced so much anxiety just walking through the door that first day of class. My teacher (who terrifies me, BY THE WAY) assigned us a speech on a person, place, or thing we held close to our heart. A tribute speech. I walked out of class that day feeling heavy, stressed, and anxious about this speech I had to give. As I got into my car for the drive home God popped this verse into my mind. I repeated it over and over and over again…. “I can do all things through God who gives me strength… I can do all things through God who gives me strength… I can do all things through God who gives me strength…” And by the time I got home all anxiety was gone. I prayed each day, and up to the day of the speech for confidence, and strength up on the stage. I prayed for help. And guess what.. God answered that prayer! I got up onto the stage with confidence and kicked that speeches butt! I felt no anxiety, and I performed the speech with all of my natural energy, not having a fear at all.
I am positive I couldn’t have done this without God. He walked with me up onto that stage and held my hand. He gave me strength.
This is just a small example of the prayers God has answered for me.
Seeing God work through Jen has been so incredible, and I’m so glad I have been involved in her life and I’ve been able to witness it first-hand. Jennifer Bridges is so so inspiring. I’m pretty sure there is nothing this woman can’t do with God by her side. I’ve seen miracle after miracle occur. God has planted a passion for Ethiopia in Jen’s heart, and she is growing farther and farther into the heart of Ethiopia. It’s been so incredible watching her journey. She is sharing God’s unending grace, love, and beauty to all of the souls of Africa. She has left SUCH a mark on not only me, but many others. She is leaving many deep footprints on this world, and when we are all gone, those footprints will still remain. She is planting seeds in many. Seeds that will blossom into something pure and beautiful.
I love watching God work through Jen, and Embrace Compassion. I love seeing all the souls that are touched by Jen’s work. She is constantly wearing Gods light and love. Because she has literally EMBRACED compassion, she has given the people of Africa the greatest gift of this world- the news and proof of God.
If there is one thing I could have the readers of this blog post walk away with it would be this:
Stop and don’t take for granted, realize and say thanks all of the beautiful things God has placed in your life. You are continually blessed. Don’t forget to pray, and don’t forget to thank.
Brittany Callen
Psalms 23:5 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. 6Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.”