Letting Go…the rich young ruler
As we begin to purge our house of the extra stuff, some recycle, some trash some Craig’s List treasures we just don’t need anymore, it feels very exciting and liberating. The thought of using our leftovers to leverage into a meaningful help for Africa comes at very little cost.
It wasn’t until some of my favorites possessions came into question, like my Anthropologie kitchen table, a tea pot from my grandma or a Crate n Barrel side table that just makes me warm inside to look at it. It was as if I could hear Jesus saying to the rich young ruler, “sell all of your possessions and give them to poor and follow me”. But Lord, I don’t want them to be wasted. The investments I have made on these treasures will not be restored to me. I don’t think the idea of being without my treasures bothers me as much as the idea of the lack of return on my investment. How much have I spent to create the wonderful encumbering web?
Looking forward I want to be able to just say “yes”. I will follow you Lord. I will walk away from my earthy accumulations without hesitation. I will give you the little I have to mix with your endless supply. Use me as you will and let eternal investments be sewn.