Non Material Poverty
Non Material Poverty is an interesting concept for our Western Culture. Isn’t poverty all about having material wealth? While reading “When Helping Hurts” by Brian Fikkert, I have really been considering My Own Poverty.
Poverty of meaningful moments. It isn’t on purpose, or for lack of trying, but it often seems as if the days go by so quickly: racing out the door to school, then to the office, back to school, snack time, soccer practices words, what about the reading tonight? Are the teeth brushed, why didn’t anyone tell me we were out of laundry soap, a quick trip to the store for poster board? You get the point. Margin In Life. Blank space seems to be in short supply.
How do we give our children the best, stay connected with those we love, work hard and give our best but keep from being drawn up by life? Creating margin and blank space in our day leads to wealth of spirit.
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