Montesorri School Tomorrow! Ethiopia Fact of the Day

Nov 9, 2010   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog, Uncategorized  //  2 Comments

10:15AM tomorrow morning I will be speaking to my first group of students regarding Ethiopia. Twenty-four 2nd graders have no idea what they are in for! The best of marketing and Jr. High youth leader meets passionate business girl with props and walla…a fabulous presentation! I will give you the “rest of the story” tomorow as to the reality of this fabulous presentation! Tabatha used my pictures from the July trip and produced a fabulous power point presentation. I have lots of words to share-I love words. After the power point we have planned stations of ethiopian food/Ingera, shoe shining work experience, hand made items to touch and coloring pictures. Then a little story time from the book Lisa shared with my kids called “Take your Best Shot”. I am so thankful for the opportunity to share with the students and their parents. Something exciting is in the air!
My favorite fact of the day to share about Ethiopia vs. the USA is:
Ethiopia has less than one third the population of the United States but Ehtiopia represents at least 7 languages. No single language represents more than one third of what the Ethiopian population speaks. Quite a bit of diversity by dialect and language. None of these languages are common to us such as Spanish or French, etc.
Source:The World Fact Book 2010

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