He Knows Their Names

Aug 6, 2012   //   by Jennifer Bridges   //   Blog  //  No Comments

I have many Loves in Ethiopia, with whom will continue to partner with, however there does seem to be one special place that God keeps drawing my heart back to.  Arjo, Wellega is around 14 hours from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia via van.  Plenty of bumping up and down and one lane dirt roads along cliffs makes the journey to the destination a bit treacherous and gripping the seats kind of entertaining.  This gorgeous place is beyond rural.  The children call my name when I am sleeping.  Their faces smile back at me when I blink my eyes.  The memories I have are as vivid when I left. 

I want to learn their names, their dreams, their passions and their hopes.  I want to know their fears, concerns and what brings them pain.  I wonder if they know that God knows their name, that he loves them and cherishes them no matter what.  No matter. 

Our connection to the village is divine.  God brought Alex into our lives almost 2 years ago, just after my first trip to Ethiopia.  We have become family.  Alex needed a family and we needed Alex.  It is not by chance that we were brought together in Portland Oregon.  Little did we know that the village where he was from and the children living there would continue to tug at my heart and soul even after two visits.  We could say our work was complete, after all, we put in a well, we got to meet all of Alex’s family and it is a really far way to go!  But God.  He won’t let my heart go.

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